

Administrative CH +41 52 212 02 77 / DE +49 2064 144 3005

T +41 52 212 02 77

Technical support +41 52 511 83 11

T +41 52 511 83 11

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    coatmaster AG
    Flugplatzstrasse 5
    CH-8404 Winterthur
    +41 52 212 02 77 (Administration)
    +41 52 511 83 11 (Technical Support)
    Send an email to:
    [email protected] (Administration)
    [email protected] (Technical Support)

    Our Applications

    Real-time Sealing Control: Safety & Quality in Your Production


    the entire part to ensure a seamless seal


    critical points of the insulation coating


    from database storage for analysis

    Book an appointment now with your contact person: Andor Bariska



    Ensure top quality in your manufacturing with the advanced coatmaster 3D and ATO technology for non-contact sealing control measurement

    Enable the highest product quality through our innovative, non-contact sealing control measurement  with the coatmaster 3D and ATO technology, ensuring the integrity of every part. Utilize precise inline analysis of seal functionality to ensure production quality and optimize your processes.

    Our advanced system allows for the complete scanning of each component, thereby revealing even the smallest irregularities. Additionally, benefit from our powerful data storage for comprehensive retrospective analyses and continuous improvements to your manufacturing processes.



    coatmaster 3D für beruhungslose schichtdickenmessungen


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